We regularly add new journals to the FSTA serials coverage list. Journals are assessed for inclusion in FSTA by our team of experts, and this assessment is based on the journals’ quality, integrity and relevance to FSTA. 

Why is a particular journal not indexed in FSTA?

There are a number of reasons why IFIS may decide not to index a journal. These include:

  • being out of scope
  • difficulty in obtaining suitable source material consistently; for example:
    • access problems 
    • and where new journals have too little content available for adequate assessment (these are deferred to a later date)
  • and failing one or more of our quality assessment criteria.

A key part of the assessment process is a thorough evaluation of each new journal against a checklist of criteria relating to potentially predatory or unethical publishing practices. This enables us to identify and exclude publishers and journals that may be using such practices. Learn more about how we identify and exclude predatory journals

Recommend a journal

We welcome suggestions from publishers and researchers. If you would like to recommend a journal for indexing in FSTA, please submit it through our Recommend a Journal page. Our editorial team will assess whether the journal meets our criteria for inclusion in FSTA.